
If We Controlled Your Remote… 2/14/16

Feb 14, 2016 Posted by in External Contributions | Comments

Tonight, AMC’s The Walking Dead returns for the second half of its sixth season. When we last left off, the fence surrounding Alexandria had been breached and a horde of walkers had been unleashed upon on the town. The group was separated and found themselves trapped in various houses. Deanna discovered that she had been bitten while saving Rick in the initial onslaught. Meanwhile, Ron tried to kill Carl because he thought Carl got Enid killed. Rick had to break down the door to save Carl, which ultimately led to the walkers getting into the house they were hiding in. Elsewhere, Carol finally confronted Morgan about what he was hiding and discovered his Wolf prisoner. Carol attacked Morgan, but he managed to take her down. However, while they were distracted, the Wolf managed to get a hold of Morgan’s staff and knocked him out. He took Denise as his hostage and left the building. Back in the other house, Rick came up with a plan for the group to cover themselves in zombie guts and slowly wade through the sea of walkers outside the house. However, Jessie’s annoying son Sam started calling for his mom just as they were surrounded by the hungry zombies

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